[Job] Assistant Professor in Inter-Asian and Transpacific Studies, UCSD

Title of position: Assistant Professor in Inter-Asian and Transpacific Studies

The Department of Literature within the Division of Arts & Humanities at the University of California, San Diego (https://literature.ucsd.edu) is committed to excellence and diversity within the faculty, staff, and student body and seeks candidates for an Assistant Professor in Inter-Asia and Transpacific Studies. The candidate must have a PhD degree in literature, film, cultural studies, or related field by the time of the appointment. More specifically, we seek a colleague whose innovative research examines two or more Asian/Pacific/American countries/territories in the modern and/or contemporary period. Preference will be given to a candidate who uses two or more languages (in addition to English) in her/his research. Another preference is a comparatist with proven interdisciplinary, crossmedia research skills.

Ideal candidates should have an excellent record of publication, teaching, and service, as well as demonstrable interest in working within a world literature department with a focus on critical theory, social justice, and cultural, ethnic, and gender studies, where faculty members work in multiple languages, geographies, and historical periods. The candidates are also expected to enhance a campus-wide cluster of excellence in Transpacific Asian Studies and collaborate with Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, Transnational Korean Studies, Anthropology, Ethnic Studies, History, Sociology, and Global Policy and Strategy (GPS).

We welcome candidates with demonstrated excellence in college-level teaching. Candidates will be expected to teach a range of graduate and undergraduate courses in literature, film, and culture. In addition to specialized seminars, the successful candidate should also be prepared to teach large enrollment courses in Asian cultures for non-majors.

Preferred candidates should contribute or demonstrate promise in contributions to advancing equity and diversity, such as leadership in teaching, mentoring, research or service towards building an equitable and diverse scholarly and artistic environment and programs that foster inclusion and access for historically underrepresented groups. Salary and level of appointment are based on qualifications and UC pay scale. Proof of authorization to work in the U. S. will be required prior to employment (Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1985).

Closing Date: October 31, 2018

Literature (JPF01854)

Applicants are asked to submit applications using UCSD’s online Recruit web page: https://apol-recruit.ucsd.edu/apply/JPF01854.

Applicants should include a personal statement summarizing their contributions to diversity and leadership. Contribution to diversity statements could include an attention to diverse learning needs, engaging learning fields of diverse communities, pedagogical methods that address learning needs of students from diverse backgrounds, an awareness of inequities in education and research, a track record of specific activities that address and mitigate inequities, follow-up of positive impact on under-represented students, and a specific plan of activities and follow-up at UCSD.

UCSD is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional commitment to excellence through diversity (https://diversity.ucsd.edu/).