Korea Foundation graduate fellowship, University of Michigan
2012-13 Korea Foundation Graduate Fellowships (administered by the University of Michigan Nam Center for Korean Studies) Deadline: Wednesday, February 1st,… more
2012-13 Korea Foundation Graduate Fellowships (administered by the University of Michigan Nam Center for Korean Studies) Deadline: Wednesday, February 1st,… more
The USC Korean Studies Institute postdoctoral fellowships, 2012-2013 Funded by an institutional grant from the Academy of Korean Studies, the… more
Call for Applications SSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship for Transregional Research: Inter-Asian Contexts and Connections Deadline is February 13th 2012. The SSRC… more
University of Pennsylvania, James Joo-Jin Kim Program in Korean Studies Korea Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships (2012-13) James Joo-Jin Kim Program in… more
From: H-Net Job Guide: JOB GUIDE NO.: https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=43368 University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Institute for Advanced Study Quadrant Fellowship… more
JOB GUIDE NO.: https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=43144 Columbia University, Committee on Global Thought Post-Doctoral Research Fellow The Committee on Global Thought at Columbia… more
JOB GUIDE NO.: https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=43192 American Academy of Arts & Sciences Junior Faculty and Postdoctoral Fellowships 2012-2013 Deadline: October 15, 2011… more
Sounds like an exciting opportunity! New SSRC Fellowship Opportunity – Postdoctoral Fellowship for Transregional Research: Inter-Asian Contexts and Connections Fellowship… more
http://www.princeton.edu/sf/fellowships/ 2012-2015 Fellowship Competition Application Postmark deadline: September 30, 2011 The Princeton Society of Fellows, an interdisciplinary group of scholars… more
Library of Congress Florence Tan Moeson 2012 Fellowship Program Announced The Asian Division of the Library of Congress announces the… more