
[CFP] Intersections of Science, Language, and Literature in Modern and Premodern Korea

Very interesting workshop CFP, due July 1, 2016. Submissions will be considered for publication in a 2018 special issue of the Journal of Korean Studies. The workshop “proposes to examine the intersection of science, language, and literature and expand this inquiry across periods, disciplines, and media, examining representations of science and scientific data in materials including but not limited to premodern archival materials, science textbooks, literature, popular science journals, general interest periodicals, and science fiction.”… more

Thriving in academia, “living in the middle”

There are moments when you wrestle with terrible self doubt and realize that mistakes have been made — and if you are fortunate, they are balanced out by the moments in which you get to look around you and compliment yourself for a job well done. That sensation also usually does not last, in my experience, and a great deal of life is lived in the middle. It is the business of making life in the middle worthwhile that matters most, I think.… more