Korean Studies

[CFP] Stupendous Villainy in Korean Cinema, UC Berkeley

Interesting CFP on “stupendous villainy” in Korean cinema. “The continuing success of Korean films has garnered the interest of critics in the persistence of the popular genre form. Their appropriation of blockbuster aesthetics, reworking of narrative and genre conventions, as well as the treatment of diverse subject matters, have all received keen critical attention. This workshop focuses on a narrower element of Korean film’s popular appeal: the stupendous depiction of villainy. Through an examination of the strange depth of antiheroes and psychopaths, this workshop endeavors to elucidate an oft-neglected, yet impressive aesthetic achievement of recent popular Korean cinema.  The sophisticated technique of character development in creating the archetype of the villain not only highlights the broader range and depth of new trends in popular filmmaking, but also calls for new ways to conceptualize the relationship between filmic representation and the society at large.  The broad contour of the antagonist, ranging from the lure of transgression and a fear of the dreadful, will be of particular interest.”… more

[Job] Assistant Professor of Korean Linguistics – University of Oregon

The University of Oregon’s East Asian Languages and Literatures Department invites applications for a tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in Korean Linguistics, to begin in fall 2019. They seek candidates specializing in Korean Linguistics, Korean Applied Linguistics or a related field. Preference will be given to candidates who have a demonstrated commitment and contribution to institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion; who have expertise in empirical research on Korean language and language use, second language acquisition, and pedagogy; and who have evidence of or clear potential for productive and high-quality research. Deadline: November 1, 2018.more

[Job] Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Korean Studies

The Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Rutgers invites applications for a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor in Korean Studies to start in September 2019. Applications are invited from any of the key areas of Korean Studies, including literature, history, cultural studies, gender & sexuality studies, visual & popular culture, film and new media studies. Candidates with multi/interdisciplinary, interregional, and transnational expertise able to complement the research and teaching of departmental faculty will be especially valued. Native or near-native proficiency in Korean and English is required.… more

[Job] Assistant Professor in Inter-Asian and Transpacific Studies, UCSD

The Department of Literature at the University of California, San Diego seeks candidates for an Assistant Professor in Inter-Asia and Transpacific Studies. The candidate must have a PhD degree in literature, film, cultural studies, or related field by the time of the appointment. UCSD seeks a colleague whose innovative research examines two or more Asian/Pacific/American countries/territories in the modern and/or contemporary period. Preference will be given to a candidate who uses two or more languages (in addition to English) in her/his research. Another preference is a comparatist with proven interdisciplinary, crossmedia research skills.… more

[CFP] 5th Intl. Research Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies

The International Korean Adoptee Associations (IKAA) will convene the Fifth International Symposium on Korean Adoption Studies as part of the IKAA Gathering 2019. The field of Korean adoption studies is specifically concerned with international adoption from Korea including the experiences of overseas adopted Koreans, birth families, adoptive families, and the families of adoptees. Scholars working at the intersections of Asian and Korean studies, postcolonial and cultural studies, and social and behavioral sciences are engaging with issues of race and ethnicity, migration and diaspora, gender and family, and globalization and transnationalism.… more

Religion, Protest and Social Upheaval Conference at the College of the Holy Cross

Dr. Tatsiong Benny Liew and the McFarland Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture at the College of the Holy Cross has convened a great conference on “Religion, Protest and Social Upheaval” this week (November 15-17, 2017). I’ll be presenting a paper titled “Between Dissent and Heresy: Queer Politics in Korea,” discussing events that have led up to the preposterous recent charge by a major Korean Presbyterian denomination that affirming queer sexualities and nonconforming gender identities constitute heresy.… more

The Future is Now: Mapping Social Change in Contemporary South Korea Conference

I’ll be at the University of Michigan for their annual Perspectives on Contemporary Korea Conference this week (Nov 17-18, 2017). Joining me on the panel will be Jennifer Chun (Associate Professor, Sociology, University of Toronto) and Myoungjoon Kim (Director, MediACT in Seoul) to discuss the uneven spaces of citizenship.… more