SSRC Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop

Having attended the very first workshop back in 2008, I highly recommend it!


The Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and the Korea Foundation are pleased to announce the fifth annual Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop.

When:  July 18-22, 2012
Where: Pacific Grove, CA – Asilomar Conference Center

Application Deadline: May 1, 2012

The Social Science Research Council Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop seeks to create a sustained network of advanced graduate students and faculty engaged in research on Korea. The four-day workshop provides an informal setting for participants to give and receive critical feedback on dissertations in progress.

Individual students will lead discussions of their projects with mentor faculty and peers from various disciplines to receive creative and critical input on improving their fieldwork plans or writing strategies. This year’s mentor faculty are Suk-young Kim (University of California, Santa Barbara), Katherine Moon (Wellesley College), Robert Oppenheim (University of Texas at Austin), and Jun Yoo (University of Hawaii at Manoa).


  • Only full-time advanced graduate students, regardless of citizenship, who are enrolled at US or Canadian institutions are eligible.
  • Participants may be in any social science or humanities field.
  • Applicants must have an approved dissertation prospectus but cannot have completed writing for final submission.
  • Special consideration will be given to students from universities that are not major Korean Studies institutions.

For the application and more information, please visit us on the web at

Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop
Social Science Research Council
One Pierrepont Plaza, 15th Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Tel: 718-517-3640
Fax: 212-377-2727
Email: korea AT