Call for Papers:
Intersections with Science, Medicine, and Technology in Korea
Binghamton University, State University of New York
October 20, 2012
We invite original papers on the themes of science, medicine, and technology in Korea for an inter-regional workshop to be held October 20, 2012 at Binghamton University. Multi-disciplinary in focus, this workshop seeks to interrogate intersections between medicine, science, and technology with Korean society historically to the contemporary present.
We recognize that medicine, science, and technology serve as effective lenses through which to enhance understandings of societal transformations; translations and transfers of knowledge and technology; governmentality, gender and social relations; kingdom/nation/empire-building; and spatial arrangements in both the past and present. What are the desires driving promotions of science, medicine, and technology? How do those developments reflect and/or shape the contexts within which they emerge? The workshop organizers are looking for papers on any time period that investigate circulations of related knowledge, practices, people, and material goods; Korean Medicine or hanÅi; and technologies in contemporary society. We also welcome paper proposals on other areas related to Korean science, technology, and medicine.
Interested scholars are encouraged to submit a proposal with a working title, abstract (300 words maximum), and brief C.V. to koreanstudies AT by May 31, 2012. Notification on the status of proposals will be made by June 20th. Selected participants must submit completed papers by September 15, 2012 to be read by all participants and discussants prior to the workshop. This workshop is made possible by a grant from the Academy of Korean Studies. Workshop organizers intend to publish an edited volume based on the workshop outcomes.
Please e-mail queries to Sonja Kim (skim AT