Four tenure-track faculty positions in transgender studies, University of Arizona

Faculty Cluster Hire in Transgender Studies

The University of Arizona is pleased to announce a cluster hire of 4 tenure-track faculty positions in transgender studies over the next two years. Two positions are being offered this year in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS), with a start date of fall 2014. Two positions to be based elsewhere in the university will be advertised next year, with a start date of fall 2015. This cluster hire is one element of the University of Arizona’s unprecedented investment in the field of transgender studies. Other elements include support for a new peer-reviewed journal, TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly, which will be published by Duke University Press starting in 2014, with the editorial office housed at the University of Arizona’s Institute for LGBT Studies; a new interdisciplinary Center for Critical Studies of the Body; and an anticipated graduate degree program in transgender studies.

Transgender studies concerns itself with the variability and contingency of gender, sexuality, identity, and embodiment across time, space, languages, and cultures. It pays particular attention to the socio-political, legal, and economic consequences of noncompliance with gender norms; to the histories and social organization of minoritized transgender lives and communities; to forms of cultural production that represent or express gender variance; to the medicalization of identity and the depathologization of bodily difference; and to the emergence of novel forms of embodied subjectivity within contemporary techno-cultural environments. Because we seek to hire the most innovative scholars in this rapidly evolving field, we are open to considering any area of specialization, research agenda, and inter/disciplinary training compatible with faculty service in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

We invite applications for two assistant professor positions, one of which will be based in the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, and the other of which will be based in another suitable department within SBS (see In addition to possessing requisite expertise in transgender studies, applicants must be qualified to teach core courses in their home department, and ideally will fulfill strategic priorities set by SBS in the following areas, broadly defined: health, the environment, technology, and global impact/regional roots. Our goal is to hire interdisciplinary scholars who can contribute to a new program in transgender studies while also meeting the needs of their home department.

To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, and the names of three references by October 14, 2013 to, job number 53456. Shortlisted candidates will be asked to supply additional materials.

Cherie McCollum Parks
Executive Assistant to the Director
Institute for LGBT Studies