[CFP] Session honoring Nancy Abelmann at AAA 2016 meeting

CALL FOR PAPERS (Invited Session)

2016 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, MN; November 16-20, 2016)

Panel Title:  The Serendipitous, Eclectic, and Collaborative: Reflections on and Honoring Nancy Abelmann

In honor of the intellectual legacy of Professor Nancy Abelmann, a small group of her current and former students and colleagues is seeking abstract submissions for a proposed panel at the 2016 AAA meetings in Minneapolis. 

We are hoping to put together a proposal for a double-session of papers that will reflect on and honor Nancy Abelmann by showing how her guidance, example, and intellectual interactions can be traced in current research on the topics of her core interests: women, gender, family and generation; class, race and social mobility; youth, education and global migration; and film and narrative and people’s engagement with expressive media. We would need to feature Nancy’s intellectual legacy on our knowledge production based on the 115th AAA Annual Meeting theme, ‘Evidence, Accident, Discovery,’ (Please refer to the AAA website) in order to be selected as invited session. We are particularly interested in papers written by scholars who had direct connections to Nancy as students, colleagues, or mentors.

We anticipate receiving more submissions than we can fit into a double session (8-10 papers), so we have set an early first deadline for consideration: Please send us your abstract by March 1, 2016. (Please follow the AAA guidelines: name, affiliation, 250 words maximum, plus title and keywords.) We will review the abstracts quickly and let you know whether we can include them in our proposal; this should allow you time to propose to present in another session if we cannot accommodate your paper in our panel proposal. We are hoping to select a set of papers that will touch on the broad areas of Nancy’s strongest influence, and will speak to the interests of the two societies we will be submitting this proposal to for review: SUNTA (Society for Urban, National, and Transnational/Global Anthropology) and SEAA (Society for East Asian Anthropology). (She was also active in the Society for Feminist Anthropology and the Children and Youth Interest Group.)

Please feel free to circulate widely and contact us with any questions.

Jesook Song (jesook.song AT utoronto.ca)

Laura Nelson (lcnelson AT berkeley.edu)

Yoonjung Kang (kang55 AT illinois.edu)