[Job] Assistant Professor of Korean literature, CUNY

The Department of Classical, Middle Eastern and Asian Languages and Cultures at Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY), invites applications for Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Korean literature, broadly conceived, to begin in the fall semester of 2016. They particularly welcome applicants whose research and teaching interests extend to related fields such as film, cultural studies, transnational studies, comparative literature, and new media. Deadline is January 12, 2016.… more

[App] Summer School EHESS, Paris: The Unity of the Social Sciences?

The EHESS stands out for the interdisciplinary character of its pedagogical and research program, systematically implementing a deliberate encounter of the social and human sciences in its teaching curriculum, most notably but not only sociology with history, philosophy and literature, history and economics, philosophy and cognitive sciences, anthropology and sociology. Because of this rich and unique intellectual tradition, the EHESS offers a Summer Program around the topic of The Unity of the Social Sciences through 4 intensive courses.… more

2015 Faculty Development Seminar on Palestine, May 14-25, 2015

The Palestinian American Research Center (PARC) announces its sixth Faculty Development Seminar on Palestine. This 12-day seminar is for U.S. faculty members with a demonstrated interest in, but little travel experience to, Palestine. PARC will select 10 to 12 U.S. faculty members to participate in Jerusalem-based activities that will include roundtable discussions, tours of historic cities, and visits to local universities, research institutes, and cultural institutions in the West Bank.… more

Application Summer Institute on military occupation, Cornell University

Looks like an interesting & timely theme for sure. “Preoccupation with occupation in its multiple forms is spreading. The theme of the Third Annual Summer Institute at Cornell University is military occupation and its civilian society relatives. Military occupation refers to temporary control of territory by a conquering nation. Such occupation at times continues open-endedly as post-war governance: 11 of 42 military occupations since the end of World War II continue today.”… more

Open Letter from Rainbow Action in Seoul

Apparently Mayor Park yielded under pressure of extreme rightists and conservative protestant groups of South Korea. These groups of bigots have persistently pathologized and stigmatized sexual minorities and gender nonconforming people. They have been virtually following every public event held by LGBTQ groups to violently disrupt those scenes and attack the participants for last few years.… more