[CFP] Session honoring Nancy Abelmann at AAA 2016 meeting
CALL FOR PAPERS (Invited Session) 2016 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, MN; November 16-20, 2016) Panel Title: Â The Serendipitous,… more
CALL FOR PAPERS (Invited Session) 2016 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, MN; November 16-20, 2016) Panel Title: Â The Serendipitous,… more →
I’m looking forward to hosting writer/artist/activist Sukjong Hong this week, as she will be visiting from New York as a guest speaker in my second-year “writing geography” class at UTSC. She will also lead a workshop on the St. George campus about comics and visual culture on Tuesday, Feb 9.… more →
Excellent CFP for an upcoming Kyujanggak symposium in August 2016 at SNU. “The practice of dissent — the public objection to decisions or actions by those in power — has long held a significant place in Korean political and social life.” This workshop seeks to examine “the phenomenon of individual or collective opposition to authority” and its “notable historical precedents as well as contemporary manifestations that reflect changing relations of power within Korean society over time.… more →
The University of San Francisco Center for Asia Pacific Studies has announced a CFP for “Constructing Masculinities in Asia†conference to be held at on November 3-4, 2016. Scholars working the contemporary period are especially encouraged to apply.… more →
This conference at UPenn “hopes to investigate the various ways Korean polities and Korean actors engaged with ’empire,’ broadly conceived as conceptual, institutional, and social structures justified by claims to universal normativity: whether they be represented by Confucian dynasties and international organizations, or enforced through Cold War orthodoxies.” The organizers are interested in “how Korean actors resisted, contested, but especially, appropriated “empire†for their own ends.”… more →
The Center for Korean Studies at UC Berkeley has announced a call for working papers for a Korean film workshop on the broad topic of history and historiography of Korean film. It is scheduled for July 15 of 2016. The workshop will examine the changing contour of Korean film history and its relationship with other cultural development and disciplinary engagements such as colonial visual culture and digital media. Abstracts are due on March 1.… more →
Graduate students in Korean studies are invited to participate in the 4th International Conference of NextGen Korean Studies Scholars (NEKST) at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Any methodologies and disciplinary traditions are welcome for submission, as long as the proposed paper topic is specific to Korea. Abstracts are due by January 15, 2016.… more →
The Center for Korean Studies at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa invites applications for a post-doctoral fellowship for the academic year 2016-2017. The fellowship is funded by a grant from the Academy of Korean Studies (AKS), South Korea. The Fellow is expected to conduct research on modern or contemporary Korean history, North Korea, or relevant topics, and be in residence at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa to participate actively in the intellectual life of the Center for Korean Studies.… more →
ANU invites applications from suitably qualified scholars for a Postdoctoral Fellowship / Research Fellowship (Level A/B) to work with ARC Laureate Fellowship “Informal Life Politics in the Remaking of Northeast Asia: From Cold War to Post-Cold War”. This 18 month fixed-term postdoctoral fellow will pursue both independent and team-based research consistent with the project, which focuses on “informal life politics”: local level grassroots movements in which individuals or groups act to protect their health or livelihood from threats seen as emanating from economic and environmental change, state action or the failures of state policy.… more →
The James Joo-Jin Kim Program at the University of Pennsylvania is accepting applications for the Moon Family Postdoctoral Fellowship in Korean Studies for the 2016-2017 academic year. The postdoctoral program is open to scholars from all fields whose research relates to Korea. The fellow will be expected to participate in Kim Program events and related activities at Penn and in the Korean studies community, as well as teaching a course in the spring semester of 2017. The fellowship will cover up to a 12-month period between August 1, 2016 and July 31, 2017, and will carry a stipend of $50,000. … more →