NEH: Spatial Narrative and Deep Maps: Explorations in the Spatial Humanities
Summer 2012 NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Spatial Narrative and Deep Maps: Explorations in the Spatial… more
Summer 2012 NEH Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Spatial Narrative and Deep Maps: Explorations in the Spatial… more
Especially after my last post about mapping, I can’t resist sharing this bit of silliness. I’m chuckling at how Google… more
“And as we’re moving from dead maps to live maps, we’re representing reality in a more faithful way. Things are changing around us all the time. And we’re shifting towards participatory mapping, so that people are able to work together to create those live maps.”… more
Interesting use of Flash animation. This is a “Imperial History of the Middle East” or as a friend puts it… more
Very useful! offers 16416 maps to date, each one in 6 graphic formats (GIF, PDF, CDF, SVG, AI, WMF).
I just took a look at this and would recommend it for not only the content, but also as an… more