Critical Asian Studies
Current Issue: Vol. 42, No. 4 (December 2010)
Thematic Issue: Truth and Reconciliation in the Republic of Korea
Truth and Reconciliation in South Korea: Confronting War, Colonialism, and Intervention in the Asia Pacific FREE ARTICLE!
– Jae-Jung Suh
The Long Road toward Truth and Reconciliation: Unwavering Attempts to Achieve Justice in South Korea
– Kim Dong-Choon
Atrocities Before and During the Korean War: Mass Civilian Killings by South Korean and U.S. Forces
– Suh Hee-Kyung
No Gun Ri: Official Narrative and Inconvenient Truths
– Charles J. Hanley
War Trauma, Memories, and Truths: Representations of the Korean War in Pak Wan-so’s Writings and in “Still Present Pasts”
– Jeon Seung-Hee
Politicizing Justice: Post–Cold War Redress and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission
– Lisa Yoneyama