[App] Korean Studies Postdoc in Berlin, Germany

Call for Application

Post-Doctorate Scholarship
For the Project “Circulation of Knowledge and Dynamics of Transformation”
At the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


The Institute of Korean Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin (directed by Prof. Dr. Eun-Jeung Lee) is inviting applications for one post-doctorate scholarship (2,000 Euro per month) in the project “Circulation of Knowledge and Dynamics of Transformation”. The project is driven by the consortium, consisting of the Korean Studies institutes at the Freie Universität Berlin and the Ruhr Universität Bochum, which is respectively specialized in studying the pre-modern as well as the modern processes of social change in Korea.

We, the research team at the Freie Universität, welcome applications from researchers familiar with social scientific analyses on the dynamics of modern Korean society; and also ask for a very good command of the English language.

The scholarship will be given for a year at first and is extendable for the next two years according to the performance of the researcher (total three years), starting from 1 May 2011.

The project is funded by the Academy of Korean Studies. For further and more detailed information about the project, please see: www.bb-koreanstudies.de

A successful application should include a research project outline (maximum three pages), a CV, samples of publication (maximum two pieces) and a cover letter. Deadline for applications: 5 April 2011.

Please send application to: info@bb-koreanstudies.de