Korean Studies at the Australian National University

CFP: Interplay between Korea and Southeast Asia (ANU 2015)

The ANU Korea Institute invites proposals for “Latent Histories, Manifest Impacts: Interplay between Korea and Southeast Asia,” to be held on 26-27 February, 2015 at the Australian National University. This is an interdisciplinary, inter-regional conference that focuses on the rich history of contact and interaction between Korea and the region of Southeast Asia.… more

[CFP] Korean Culture, New Media, Digital Humanities

What are the relations between print-based Korean cultural production and new media? How did old media that were once considered new–radio, film, and television, for example–interact with each other and with older print-based forms in colonial and/or postcolonial Korea? In what ways do contemporary new media shape current forms of experimental and/or popular literary, filmic, and artistic practices in an increasingly globalized context? How will research methodologies associated with the digital humanities change the way we approach scholarly work on Korea?


CFP: Conference on “cultures of Yushin,” University of Michigan

Moving beyond the era’s political economy, the conference on “Cultures of Yushin” seeks to explore the remarkably rich and varied cultural production of the Yushin period in its dynamic, and often ambivalent, relationship to state power. Cultural production is broadly conceived to include literature, film, television, theater, music, art, architecture, animation, comics, advertising, fashion, and sports. We welcome innovative research that complicates familiar terms of opposition between coercion and consent, collaboration and resistance, and high art and popular culture.… more

Job: Assistant Professor of Korean American Studies at UC Riverside

The Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Riverside, announces a Assistant Professor position in Korean American Studies, beginning July 1, 2014. PhD degree in a field related to theories and principles of Korean American Studies is required. The candidate should be a scholar with demonstrated record of commitment to research, grant writing, fundraising, teaching excellence, and community service.… more

Job: tenure-track or tenured appointment in Korean Literature, Harvard University

The Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured appointment in Korean Literature, broadly conceived. Particularly welcome are applicants whose research and teaching combine a firm empirical grasp of the Korean literary field with interests in such other areas as film, cultural studies, cultural history, transnational studies, comparative and world literature, and new media. … more