[Job] Community Resource Coordinator at Asian Women’s Shelter, San Francisco
This isn’t an academic position, but I wanted to get the word out about this great organization. JOB DESCRIPTION: COMMUNITY… more
This isn’t an academic position, but I wanted to get the word out about this great organization. JOB DESCRIPTION: COMMUNITY… more →
Harvard University, Women’s Studies in Religion Program Harvard Divinity School Research Associate and Visiting Faculty HARVARD DIVINITY SCHOOL announces five… more →
Thursday, June 16, 2011 6-9pm Scarborough Civic Centre Council Chambers 150 Borough Drive Scarborough, ON Toronto is a divided city.… more →
Call for Papers: CJS Special Issue on The Elementary Forms of Religious Life Centenary: Contemporary Engagements Guest Editors: Ronjon Paul… more →
The Department of Chinese and Korean Studies of the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies (AOI), Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen,… more →
This conference brings together an international, multi-disciplinary group of scholars seeking to document and understand emergent forms of political activism, social engagement and cultural resistance among youth in Japan. From street politics to new forms of socialities, from creative representation to active resistance, our goal is to develop a critical language that captures the range of alternatives to what was once considered political. Through the heritage of post-war student and citizens’ movements, popular culture shifts during 1970‚ affluence, and post-bubble recessionary disenfranchisement, we will explore these alternative currents right into our post-3.11 moment.… more →
This CFP looks super interesting. Islamic cities are a bit outside of my current research area, but if this research… more →
Two interesting essays in the latest issue of Korea Focus, a publication of the Korea Foundation. South Korea’s Internal Division… more →
Carleton University Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Twelve-Month Limited Term Appointment in Human Geography http://www.geog.uvic.ca/dept/cag/jobs.htm#L955* Carleton University’s Department of… more →
CALL FOR PAPERS Politics of Religion in Asia: An International Conference Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, International Programs University… more →