New writing: Singing from the margins
Here’s a short piece that just came out on SSRC’s The Immanent Frame: Secularism, religion, and the public sphere blog.… more
Here’s a short piece that just came out on SSRC’s The Immanent Frame: Secularism, religion, and the public sphere blog.… more →
Two articles recently published. ‘Our Past, Your Future’ discusses Korean missionaries’ work in East Africa and ‘Urban megachurches and contentious religious politics in Seoul’ is about E.Land labour organizing and connections to Somang Church.… more →
Jennifer Jihye Chun and I are co-editing a special issue for Journal of Korean Studies on the topic of Gender and Politics in Contemporary Korea. Deadline is August 1, 2013. Taking as a starting point that gender operates as a fundamental organizing principle in various arenas of social, political, economic, religious, and cultural life, this special issue invites cross-disciplinary approaches from scholars working at the intersection of Korean studies, feminist studies and the social sciences. … more →
A helpful list of tips from the First Peoples: New Directions in Indigenous Studies blog. From Dissertation to Book: Advice… more →
The Chronicle of Higher Education published Michael Munger’s “10 Tips on How To Write Less Badly” back in September 2010,… more →