
a new queer Koreans and allies project

This is from a friend in Korea working on a bilingual website to provide support and resources for queer Koreans and allies. Especially given the recent Christian opposition to anti-deimiscrimination legislation in Korea, it’s certainly a timely and important project to support. It’s called Queer Koreans Alliance — please take a moment to sign up as an ally.… more

한겨레: 정치인들은 왜 ‘영남 불교도’와 ‘강남 크리스천’에 쩔쩔매는가

Kang In-cheol, the renowned scholar of religion and politics in Korea has just published the latest of his 5-volume series. Certainly a must read for any student of contemporary religion in Korea.… more

AAG brought to you by the CIA…

Here’s a disturbing reminder of the imperial legacy of the discipline of geography. Today’s “AAG SmartBrief” email from the Association of American Geographers was sponsored by none other than the Central Intelligence Agency. Interestingly, the email header image had fragments of Korean (“can do”) and Chinese (and what looks to me like Arabic?) with the headline, “Be a CIA Open Source Analyst.”

“On the Move” site design & launch

It’s been a while since I worked on web design project, but I’m happy with how the site turned out. And it was fun — even though this was “just a WordPress site” with a purchased theme, I got to brush up on CSS and the latest WordPress bells and whistles. Made me wish I could quit my day job and design WordPress sites for a living. Ha.… more