Korean Studies

CFP: Conference on “cultures of Yushin,” University of Michigan

Moving beyond the era’s political economy, the conference on “Cultures of Yushin” seeks to explore the remarkably rich and varied cultural production of the Yushin period in its dynamic, and often ambivalent, relationship to state power. Cultural production is broadly conceived to include literature, film, television, theater, music, art, architecture, animation, comics, advertising, fashion, and sports. We welcome innovative research that complicates familiar terms of opposition between coercion and consent, collaboration and resistance, and high art and popular culture.… more

Workshop on Korean Literature, Columbia University, November 2013

The Sixth North American Workshop on Korean Literature invites “submissions from those working in any discipline or field (for example, history, literature, film, queer studies, anthropology, Asian American studies, communications, visual culture) who are incorporating Korean literature and/or film from any period into their work in a significant way.” New deadline: August 15.… more

University of Toronto: Summer Work Study RA positions available

I’m looking for two responsible and detail-oriented Summer Work Study research assistants for the “Urban Aspirations in Seoul” research lab. The assistants will help set up lab space on St. George campus, gather and organize research data, write analysis of news and current events, manage citations using Zotero, and provide general support for research projects on church growth and urban politics, religion and homophobia, and conscientious objection to military conscription. Apply soon!… more

Adjunct teaching position, Korean Studies at USC

University of Southern California in Los Angeles seeks a part-time, non-tenure-track lecturer to teach Korean studies courses in the social sciences beginning Fall 2013. Fields include international relations, political science, economics, history, East Asian languages and cultures, religion, sociology, etc. Looks like they’re accepting applications now, until the position is filled.… more

한겨레: 정치인들은 왜 ‘영남 불교도’와 ‘강남 크리스천’에 쩔쩔매는가

Kang In-cheol, the renowned scholar of religion and politics in Korea has just published the latest of his 5-volume series. Certainly a must read for any student of contemporary religion in Korea.… more